Silhouette of memories
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Utter joy is a small child running just for the fun of it with glee painted on his face. Even better when cousins join in and the lead child keeps running, looking back and laughing. Grandma watching and bracing for the inevitable falling over or crashing into a tree.
Little boys climbing a vast play equipment…little voice calling out “help, help” but as the day progresses that little voice is no more. Horizons have broadened and confidence soaring so much so that two little boys need to be taken down from the top of climbing ropes for grandma’s peace of mind. It’s fun climbing up but not sure about coming back down…Dad, big cousin and big sister to the rescue…but wow those little bare feet must hurt balancing on the thick ropes of the spiderweb…
Big children, little children, baby, teens, cousins, mates, girls, boys.
Mum, dad, friend, sister, brother, sibling, fathers.
Tiny and Young and older and oldest, grandma.
What’s to eat. Always hungry, always hungry. Time for food.
What shall we have. Lots of easy healthy goodies brought from home by all. From the depths of the cold Esky (Australian)…Chilly Bin (New Zealand) comes cold chicken , delicious coleslaw, salad- serve yourself, avocado, fresh bread rolls and a treat of hot chips. Hot chips at the beach are a must have if available…enjoyed by one and all.
Stand around, sit on camp chairs, sit on picnic rug, swap seats…get up out of chair look carefully before sitting back down. Is it still empty?…Little boys sneaking into big chairs.
Food gone!
Summer time!
Australia =
Cricket time!
“Mum, did you bring the stumps?”
“I told you to bring whatever you wanted to play with!”
“You’ll just have to play Caught Out”
Off go the cricket bats, tennis balls, and if all else fails an esky on wheels and a child’s camping chair…what! you say.
It works!
Fun for a few hours of cricket. Dads, brothers in law, brothers, mates, and cousins whilst the little boys have their adventures on the play ground, joining in occasionally …but getting shooed away.
Girls, cousins, teens….running down the cliff of sand to the beach, exploring the sea shore, climbing over rocks, walking along sand, talking, laughing, running, solving all the girly puzzles. Time for a game of chase. Back to base. Look after little brother and cousin on play equipment. Turn and turn about.
Grandma’s turn , now it’s one mum, then the other. Friend, then big cousin again. Random. Seamless. Not set pattern but constant. Always watching the little ones. Getting a drink, more sunscreen, a hug, a smile….and little ones still running!
Soon time to go home…
“…but we have to have a last swim and take the boogie board”
An hour….no, more later …blue tinged bodies return covered in sand. Cold, hungry and tired out.
Sand, wet towels, wet swimwear and sand in hair. But for grandma now a cup of tea.
For all it’s been a delightful savouring and joining together in all the sights and sounds of this simple family day filled with joy…and a little baby contentedly feeding, smiling, sleeping, being held and nursed amongst all the happenings and contented chatter of one and all.
Survey the colourful scene and pack everything up. Bikes, pram, cricket bats, balls, chairs, wind and sun shelter, blankets, towels and more towels, sand everywhere. Do we have all the children? Strap into children’s and car seats…homeward bound.
Do you enjoy these unfussy and unstructured days without pressure to be who you are not? Enjoy the moment and see beauty in the little things. Stand under a tall tree and look way up at the top most branches.
Photo thanks to morgueFile free photos
This is a lovely descriptive piece, Alexa! Have had such experiences and can just picture it all! Beautiful memories! Thank you.
Your welcome Lis . Thanks for commenting. Was a fabulous day. If only there was time for more of these days. Xx
Loved this post, lots happening, even though one doesn’t realise when in the midst of it!
This is outstanding Mum! I’m so proud!
