Finding beauty in the simple life

Finding beauty in the simple life, lavender hedge, find a thing of beauty every day, memories, prepare for retirement
It has been so very long since my last post. So long that I cannot remember what I wrote about without checking back.

If I do pause to reminisce and check my last article then the internet may drop out. The pause will be like discovering a drawer full of old photos. Memories. Ghosts. Sadness. Years passing with the speed of light. Joy. Laughter. Loud laughter and silent chuckles. Sadness for a dear sister lost. Sadness for alone ageing parent too far away to see often enough.

Time has passed taking with it sickness and death, an inevitable part of the cycle of life. Yet when it is family it brings with it a vulnerability. It says to me, you too are getting older.

Today, after a morning tea and play with the little grandsons and family I waved them off to their various destinations. Littlest one to sleep, older two to play some more. One mum to shop and the other to share precious time with visiting in-Laws

Having time to spare I decided to stay and explore the beauteous spring showcase at the Mount Annan Botanical Gardens. It beats browsing any Harvey Norman, Domain, Myers or other big name store hands down.

One section was titled “A room with a view”

There are vast green spreading lawns, small bushland gardens or tropical rainforest settings…..a thing of beauty.

By a still pool a timber bench was placed inviting a passer-by to stop, rest and contemplate.

The unobtrusive memorial plaque said it all.

“Find a thing of beauty in every day”

Finding beauty in the simple life, lavender hedge, find a thing of beauty every day, memories, prepare for retirement, Finding beauty in the simple life

Flower shop in Stirling

Finding beauty in the simple life, lavender hedge, find a thing of beauty every day, memories, prepare for retirement, snow drops in Stirling garden

Delicate snow drops in spring garden

Gratitude for this day, Adventure, connecting with grandchildren, exercise, family, family time, fun at the park, Fun in the fresh air, fun times with children, grandchildren, gratitude, happy, joy, keep fit, keep fit in retirement, Memories, raise a child, scooter fun, frogs, frog, find frogs with children, nature fun with children,

Courtesy binks@morgueFile free photos

My thing of beauty this very instant is listening to the frogs merrily creaking and croaking away in the distant creek thinking of how I will grow a few summer salad plants when we move into our house God Willing in a month.

Finding beauty in the simple life, missing fresh rocket in my salad, how to grow rocket, bees

Missing fresh Rocket in my salad

That itself is another page in our journey. From a two storey home where we lived for twenty-nine years to a single storey home a little further out but with a nice size block just under quarter acre. I would have loved living a bit further out still but the voice of reason spoke.

Where we will live is still close enough to country with the likes of Cobbitty and its surrounds. Nice for a drive and a coffee should we desire.

We always said we would move before we were too old to negotiate stairs in the house.

It is the journey to love and cherish. To prepare, savour and enjoy. A move whilst we are able to make our choices and decisions.

Do find your moment of beauty this day.

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6 thoughts on “Finding beauty in the simple life

  1. Lovely and inspiring, Alexa. Thank you!

  2. Thank you. I’ve been away too long

  3. Lis Presswell says:

    A nice read, Alexa! Most enjoyable and I understand all your sentiments. Lis xo

  4. What a beautiful post about life and all of the emotions that go into it. When we let ourselves love deeply, it hurts to let go when the time comes. But what a gift love is and I suppose that those deep emotions will always go hand in hand. Hoping you a smooth move <3

  5. Time for a new post, I think Mum!! ;)

  6. What a lovely, thoughtful post. It’s so hard when we have to move on without the people we love around us anymore. I wish you well in your new home #brillblogposts

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