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#Making do when things go wrong

#Making do, when things go wrong

#Making do when things go wrong, morning tea, picnic, children play

Today was to be a little family picnic with little boys, their mums and me the grandma.
Firstly swimming lessons then a quick change out of wet swimmers for more rough and tumble clothes
Morning tea was going to be inhaled by hungry little ones
Then off to run and climb and yell and jump
At the beautiful Mt Annan Botanical gardens
Coffee hot and aromatic sipped by the lady folk
A sweet treat savoured with the coffee
Chatter had and ideas swapped as we watch those little ones use up all their pent up energy….hopefully so that they have an afternoon nap…a blessing for mum


Little one sick…get well soon x
So we DREAM of having a picnic and coffee catch up

#Making do when things go wrong, morning tea, picnic, children play, coffee with friends, picnic at home

There’s always next week
Isn’t there?

What did you, or wish for today?

Joining in with Essentially Jess for #IBOT
I Blog On Tuesdays