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Connection, thankful Thursday, Flowers, wild flowers, Black-eyed Susan, field of wild flowers, contemplation, thankfulness, thank you, Gods gift, are we thankful, child like, serving, learning, mother, dandelions, togetherness, teaching, life, together, laundry, gift of love, gift of thankfulness

Courtesy anitapeppers@morgueFile free photos

Browsing Thursday Blogs to connect and link with I came upon this gem. It ties in well with my last post on having gratitude on an ordinary day….the writer commences

” Let’s start this post by complaining, shall we? Life is hard. Life is a challenge. Life is not always sunny days, happy kids, and a clean kitchen. Aches and pains. Sadness and disappointment. A strained relationship. Illness and an unsure future. And hampers full of dirty laundry. Those things are never empty.

The writer continues…

” On any given day, at any given moment, I can be found stressing about something. Even if I seem peaceful or happy, there could be something nagging at my subconscious. This is my life, but I am not alone. I think everyone lives with their own particular burden, concern, hardship. That is life.

Finding that one thing to be thankful for, even when my insides want to rant and complain, brings me to a place of peace and even a deep abiding joy. It is a humble moment and that is a good place to be. Gratitude has saved me from being buried by anxiety and stress, from spiraling down into a place of darkness and despair. For if we can’t find something to be thankful for, how would we be able to keep going?

So sometimes, I have to dig deep into my heart and say “Thank you” but when I do, I don’t just find one thing, I find a hundred things. And then I am astounded by the blessing and gift of this life I live.

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~Thornton Wilder

Connection, thankful Thursday, Flowers, wild flowers, Black-eyed Susan, field of wild flowers, contemplation, thankfulness, thank you, Gods gift, are we thankful, child like,

Courtesy cherylholt@morgueFile free photos

God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say “thank you?”
~William A. Ward

Thank you God for this day and for those (seemingly hundreds of) people in my house who wear those clothes that end up in those hampers. ”

Now it is back to me as I take up the pen so to speak.

Do the above thoughts resonate. Do they sound familiar?

Are you a new mum , a mother to many, a mother again, a young mother, an older mother. Are you alone through circumstances, or by choice. Are you busy with work and family, struggling or coping. Or are you older like myself, retired, a grandmother to toddlers, baby and Tweens and Teens.

It doesn’t matter what stage in life we are at, the principle still applies. So let’s all try to remember the thanks and the blessings by searching for them in our simple everyday lives.

Thanks for the inspiration and Re-blogged in part with permission from
Thankful Thursday: Even When I Want to Rant

# World Environment Day …at home

#world environment home, grow your own cuttings, mushroom compost, grow mushrooms at home, grow mushrooms from mushroom compost, garden with children, show children how to grow plants, simple living like grandma , rhubarb plant, grow rhubarb, how to cook rhubarb, rhubarb with yoghurt and LSA, teach children how to garden, joy of gardening World environment day which was some days ago… …well Life and Caring happened in between, but Hi, I’m back How am I doing world environment day … every day How do I see it … every day In simple language, in a grandma, mum and dad and family way Grow plants from cuttings to spread […] Continue reading →

Always a mother

Always a mother, mother, mothers, dream, dew drops to refresh, children , grandchildren Mothers To all mothers who can’t be with loved ones today Mothers who once were also young Who had dreams Who followed love Followed it to distant lands Dreaming of being self-sufficient Of trying to make do on their own No support network Far from family and 6 weeks by AirMail letter Then another 6 […] Continue reading →

Country Fun

Country fun, country life, children, school holidays, dogs,family fun Happenings whilst trying to have a conversation when little children are part of the picture Conversation on the phone with a mother … Chatting about every day happenings Hearing little boy playing in the background Oh you’ve finished, that’s good says mum to boy We continue chatting Little voice pipes up, Quick quick Mum saying, […] Continue reading →