It’s raining sort of…
Grey skies
Soggy washing on the line
Wet washing languishing in basket
Dew drop beads of rain on washing line
Don’t accidentally knock the line, or
Big cold drops on your head
Green grass
Mowed lawns
No more drooping plants
Now vibrant and crisp herbs appeased
Weeds a-growing abundantly
Happy not to get poisoned today,
in the space where hedge will grow…
Autumn has arrived much too quick!
A little bit of rain yet so many impressions…affecting the laundry, garden, and nature. Broaden it out and it’s endless as can be seen by some of the tag words I’ve used
Why is it raining, refreshing, washing, water, rain, save water, rain drops, Basil, Nasturtium, Lavender, vegetable garden, herbs, fresh herbs, bees, pollination , herb garden, grow your own vegetables, grow your own herbs.
So if there’s no bees then no honey and so the circle continues on…I don’t think I’ll ever think of a wet day in a stereotype way again!
This post started off as being a short poem …it grew from there.
To all, have a blessed day and try to find the best in maybe a grey sort of feeling day…in Sydney anyway…spring happenings to you all in the northern hemisphere.
From Alexa
Content written and photos belong to
We could with some more rain up here in Brisbane. We’ve had a few showers, but I know our farmers need plenty but not too much to drown their crops. A lovely reflective post.
Thank you Bec…love your name. I’ll come by and visit too. It’s good when we take time to reflect isn’t it. Being thankful for the little things. Take care.
Love the photos and your poem, it is always good to remember why it rains
Thank you Eleise for your comment. It’s so true in our busy lives we take things for granted. I Must come by and visit you. Just eating a delicious snack made gourmet by adding a bit of coleslaw….it’s in the little things. Take care.
So true, Mum. I sigh when I see that Harry can’t go outside and play. Then I smile when I see the daisy bush out the front bursting forth with vibrant yellow flowers and hundreds of new buds. It’s all about perspective!
So true Paula my “chicken little” …thanks for the comment. So smile and send Harry munchkin out in the drizzle for a while
Not good for the cold weather coming along though is it Paula…be seeing you tomorrow x
Gorgeous photos!
Thank you for visiting and your comments MrsBC…it was a good day for photographs with my iPad. Rain in the morning and cloudy afternoon …and I did get the washing dry
Such a lovely post to read before bed. Calmed me with your photos and words, just wish it was raining over here
Thanks for visiting…I’ve visited you and left you some comments. Have a lovely day. From Alexa
Not much here yet, but not sure when it arrives either? I’m looking forward to planting something soon in my new little veggie patch. Maybe next week I’ll visit the nursery
Hi there the new to S.A. Jess…thanks for visiting and blessings for your new life ahead. Re the veggies maybe ask some locals what and when to grows best. Adelaide has most of its rain in winter. Alexa from
I am very sad that Autumn has arrived. Thankfully here in Tassie we have had a cracker of a few days of summerish weather and a long weekend to boot. Loving it! #teamIBOT
Thanks for your visit and a HUGE apology for not responding earlier. I visited your lovely blog straight away and got carried away with reading everywhere but forgot to approve your comment…gorgeous weather here today on this Monday x