World environment day which was some days ago…
…well Life and Caring happened in between, but Hi, I’m back
How am I doing world environment day … every day
How do I see it … every day
In simple language, in a grandma, mum and dad and family way
Grow plants from cuttings to spread and share the abundant growth and joy around

Huge mushrooms on a dinner plate grown from mushroom compost by friends…a by product of spreading compost under the orange trees :)
Use mushroom compost from the mushroom grower for the garden.
Then on top of that, reap the benefits of growing a huge supply of free humongous mushrooms!…well that was 25 bags of compost
I’m going to again push my love of seeing bees busily collecting nectar amongst the bushes and herbs which we grow in our tiny patch….as soon as the sun comes out even in winter here in Australia the bees come out foraging. But soon I’ll have to prune my flowering Lavender hedge which I am so loathe to do. I know, I have to be cruel to be kind to keep my hedge nice… But still !!! Also this time of year our little veggie/herb patch looks a bit sad as I really need to plant spinach to fill in the hole left by the finished Basil and tomato
On an aside though, did you know that Rhubarb flowers and goes to seed. That spike of a tall Lacey flower though has the most disgusting smell which made me promptly cut it off…but there are still stalks of rhubarb growing for a second crop….firstly I wondered how to harvest rhubarb as I’ve never grown it before, so I Googled for info and found that you twist the stalks at the base and they come off easily. Then as I hadn’t cooked rhubarb for years I found a recipe which may have been a Jamie Oliver one. The instructions said to roast it which I did in an old-fashioned Corningware dish from the Op shop. The dish was just the perfect size. Pour the required sugar on top with a tiny dribble of Vanilla essence. Cover and cook. There was a suggested time and then also that you’ll smell it as soon as it’s done….well that was so correct as to the smell; divine. Next time though I’ll use less sugar. It was SO rich I could only eat a bit of it with my homemade thick Greek yoghurt.
I was happy to have learnt that old milk is a good fertiliser even though it was only half a cup….my parsley is thriving
Then memories…Remembering when…the tying up like a bandaged bear and staking, with a neighbours help, of a vandalised small tree on our park just opposite our house. It is now a huge gum tree.
Also saving a tiny acacia tree years ago from having the long leaves plucked off by then toddler grand-daughter, explaining that we wanted to see the tree grow big. It has!
So there’s many a way to celebrate World Environment Day. We care. We do it everyday without even thinking sometimes, just like the older generations before us.
If you pause for a moment, how or what have YOU done. How do you care.
Do you wish to share?
Even the seemingly trivial things?
Whether you are just starting life’s journey or well on the way like us. With a looking forward to it soon to be retired hubby. New happenings and new adventures and new horizons but always learning.
I love Rhubarb but have not had much success growing it here. Someone told me it likes the cold weather so maybe I should plant some next month. What’s your secret? Love the abundance of plants on your verandah Alexa!
Hi there and thanks for visiting. The plants are actually at my mother’s Assisted
Living residence. It is on her verandah side. Mum has been so blessed in the fact that the owners love for her to potter in the garden. She is always digging, cutting back and growing plants from other plants. Basically she is their resident gardener and beautifier in a gentle way. The grounds look wonderful now and she is always finding a little sad corner and making it beautiful with the added benefit that she can go inside to her little home and not have to worry about anything else.
I’m not sure of the secret of my rhubarb. For years I had this plant in a foam vegetable box when my veggies were in them and it didn’t do much and really got forgotten and dry but didn’t actually completely die. Maybe the roots just matured over time. At that stage I didn’t know that rhubarb comes back after being dormant. Maybe they need to mature a bit. I must google that question! PS I sent your link on seeds etc to a friend of mine who is setting up her garden .
Lovely photos, Alexa, and that rhubarb pie looks delicious! World Environment is indeed a day worthy of celebration.
Thank you Lee-Anne for visiting and glad you enjoyed my sentiments. It was a day worthy to remember.
Funny to see your tomatoes finishing up while mine just starting here
Yes the different seasons we live in , us Down Under in winter. Glad you visited. I hope you enjoy your summer happenings after your brutal past winter gone.
Those mushrooms look amazing!
We haven’t really been doing a lot, although with autumn my toddler has been having lots of fun play in all the dry leaves. She has become my little bug rescuer lately though, when we have had little bugs or millipedes around she has rescued them before the baby gets to them and squashes them and relocating them outside. It’s very cute!
Forgot to add #teamIBOT
Love your comments Kylie and thanks for coming by from team #IBOT. it’s cute how little ones hone in on the tiny things. I suppose they are closer to the ground than us
Our little grandson was telling me there was a dragon, a dragon whilst sitting on a swing…he saw a camouflaged brown dragon fly sitting among the grass blades. Cute!
Hope your focus is getting better as per your last post. Take care and have courage. All the best x
I am glad to have found you! I am inspired by your gardening and your cooking.
My mum used to make the best rhubarb crumble – I’ve never seen it over here, we used to grow it wild in NZ. I love your little patch of goodness
Amazing , Emily that you grew wild Rhubarb in NZ. It probably did really well over the ditch
seeing its colder. Hope you are doing well . You are one busy and amazing lady. All the best.
We never had bees in Darwin, so it’s quite a novelty to see them buzzing around outside when the sun is out. My little girl loves them, but I keep having to remind her not to try and catch them!
Wow, Jess, I didn’t realize that there were no bees where you lived in Darwin. No wonder they are a novelty for your little one!