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Remember, cancer, peace, help and support for cancer, family support, women and cancer,

Today I have just a few little lines on “to remember”

From Webster Dictionary
re·mem·ber verb
: to cause (something) to come back into your mind
: to keep (information) in your mind : to not forget (something)

Today I remember
Those who would love to feel the dew on the grass again
To walk on their own into the fresh air
To go outside and feel the air brush the face
…whenever they want
To look at the sky but not through a window
To sit by the ocean but not just dream the murmur of the waves
…whenever they want

Remember, cancer, peace, help and support for cancer, family support,  women and cancer,  Flinders Medical Centre

Remember, cancer, peace, help and support for cancer, family support,  women and cancer,  Flinders Medical Centre, fresh air, beauty of the vast skies, peppercorn tree, heritage chimney stacks

Remember them, whoever they may be.
You may know them or of them.
Remember them and be thankful that you maybe can
Whenever you want
Feel the dew on the grass
Walk in the fresh air
Look up at the sky
Sit by the ocean

May they be surrounded by love, find inner strength and peace.

Remember, cancer, peace, help and support for cancer, family support,  women and cancer,  Flinders Medical Centre, fresh air, beauty of dew, dew, apple tree, apple tree in bud

Flinders Medical Centre, fresh air, beauty of dew, dew, morning dew, banksia Rose with dew

Photographs untouched and all taken by my trusty iPad
Joining in with a Essentially Jess for IBOT