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Australian bush

Swiftly fly the days

Swiftly fly the days, Tags Australian bush,Bellini Intelli, children, cousins, family, grandchildren, joy, Memories, Remember when, sense of adventure, simple living, Skinnymixers recipes, 1950's children
Darting Swallows far away to our North.
Where spring is underway.
Busy, oh so busy,
Building or repairing nests
For shelter, nurture and home.

Such has been life….

Moving into another house. Loving it here. A snip of a Rose here, finding a home for this. Food for a group , or just for one. Trying out this magic Thermal cooking machine the Bellini Intelli and Skinnymixers recipes or filing these papers(sigh).

Oh the garden is calling me again.

    Australian bush,Bellini Intelli, children, cousins, family, grandchildren, joy, Memories, Remember when, sense of adventure, simple living, Skinnymixers recipes, 1950's children, visiting the farm, we were young once, young parents, feeding chickens, love my roses. Roses

Sad to see the roses slowly finishing their season in the sun

Thinking of dear ones who are not with us any more, or ageing mother far away.

Time marching on.

Are we really that old?
I am young inside.
Yet today I seem to creak.

Fun visiting the farm

Fun visiting the farm

Tags    Australian bush,Bellini Intelli, children, cousins, family, grandchildren, joy, Memories, Remember when, sense of adventure, simple living, Skinnymixers recipes, 1950's children, visiting the farm, we were young once, young parents

Were we ever that young?

Where did that time go?

But go it has!

I was reading through some old diary notes and this one struck a chord. March 2015. Fourteen long months ago.

Tags    Australian bush,Bellini Intelli, children, cousins, family, grandchildren, joy, Memories, Remember when, sense of adventure, simple living, Skinnymixers recipes, 1950's children, visiting the farm, we were young once, young parents, feeding chickens
Utter joy

Taking a stroll with a “nearly ready to walk on his own” grandson Austin back from looking at some exciting funny chickens

Holding this tiny oh so soft hand

Asking his three-year old cousin Bailey to join in by holding the other little hand.

Grandma one side and proud older cousin the other.

Little steps, baby wobbly steps

Reminding Bailey the older one, just little steps

The look of utter joy on a chubby baby face. I can do it!

Laughter springing out of little eyes as he shares a walk and connection with someone nearer his size


Fast forward to yesterday morning.
Walking in the Botanic Gardens.

Two older preschool cousins and little Austin walking across rustic stepping-stones. Perfectly placed for little boys.

Us Singing songs, counting steps, pretending being on a bridge in a creek. I say “Can you hear the water?”
But children have such imagination with no prompting needed from adults!
I turn around and see…
Boys lying on stones , pretending to be on the deck of a boat.
Toes to head, head to toes.
Three little bodies all in a row

Repeat again and again.

Singing the ABC song as the stones were stepped upon.

Following the leader and singing the song. Little Austin chiming in and singing too….Bailey stopping mid stride and looking at me as if to say “how can little Austin know this song” ….

In all seriousness he wisely said “I learned him the song”

Infinitely P.R.E.C.I.O.U.S.

Just an ordinary day sharing morning tea.
Definitely not ordinary.

Finding a thing of beauty through the eyes of a child.

   Australian bush,Bellini Intelli, children, cousins, family, grandchildren, joy, Memories, Remember when, sense of adventure, simple living, Skinnymixers recipes, 1950's children, visiting the farm, we were young once, young parents, feeding chickens, love my roses. Roses, abstract art, abstract flowers

Budding artist and his abstract number flowers

Australia Day at home

Adventure, Australia Day, Australian bush, children, country, family, family time, Fun in the fresh air, grandchildren, joy, Memories, sense of adventure, Adventure, Australia Day, Australian bush, children, country, family, family time, Fun in the fresh air, grandchildren, joy, Memories, sense of adventure, Privileged to live in Australia Retired Grandparents With time to spare Or so we thought We wouldn’t have it any other way Wonderfully blessed Making memories AUSTRALIA DAY AT HOME Jan 26 2015 A hard day here Sitting on the back verandah on this Australia Day Australia a land of contrasts indeed… Deep fried in […] Continue reading →


#resilience, resilience, , poppies, fragile, poppy, Chocolate chia pudding and then horror, chocolate chia pudding recipe, family, home made, Lindt Cafe, Martin Place siege , Quinoa, support network, Australia, chia recipes , sadness, emergency personnel , save lives, protect lives, mourning, Australian flag, patriot, Aussie , national pride, old apple tree, apple blossom, Moorlands farm Words for this day in Australia. Resilience. Support. Life can be fragile ….like the poppy. My version of resilience in a tough environment. Planted nearly fifty years ago on a farm. An apple tree. Love and care. Wordless Wednesday Continue reading →

Anzac morning in the country

Anzac morning in the country, red poppies, rememberance, Anzac Day, Anzac in Australia Anzac Day, a public holiday celebrated mainly in Australia and New Zealand to remember those who served and died in WW1 as depicted in our newspapers and Poppies used as a symbol of remembrance For us it was a drive in the country from Bawley Point to Sydney early on Anzac morning… Queen Anne’s Lace […] Continue reading →

World Health Day

tropical diseases, health, bee hives, World health day, W.H.O., vector diseases, bees, bee hive, ecology, herb garden, fruits, bee loving plants, planting for bees, WHO…World Heath Organisation A bit of trivia information for you today… Google was my friend today taking me to Wikipedia, every man’s fount of knowledge and easy to understand. There I just learnt that on April 7 every year W.H.O. celebrates “world health day”. This commenced in 1950 being the year before I was born….and […] Continue reading →

Fun times and teach the children

Fun Times and Teach the Children Driving to the hairdresser early this morning I had to remind myself that we now have a new school opened in a local street. Note to self was “watch out for the low speed zone” whereas for the last 20 something years we just drove without thinking… …and so my mind wandered…. It happens again, […] Continue reading →


Memories in the slanting sun walking through fields of grass Photo courtesy Proven Winners Son newly practicing  his abseiling skills using the huge gum tree in our yard with all his ropes and tackle instead of the cliffs and canyons. Same son lying on lounge in his suit utterly spent after a gruelling day at American Consulate for his interview to migrate? and live in […] Continue reading →