Wishing with all my heart that I could paint…
Longing to paint and capture that emotion
Holding our youngest grandson recently
At one with the calm Australian bush scene before me
Quietly standing sheltered from the rain
Under the pattering metal roofed verandah
Falling big plops of rain
Dripping from the corrugated iron roof edge
Splashing on the bottom step
One footstep away
Little fingers outstretched and reaching
Little brain processing that new-found sensation
Cold rain in an endless stream of splashing
Splashing on a tiny hand
Escapee hens enjoying new-found freedom
Speckled, black, white
Iridescent red with browns
Leading endlessly long charmed lives
For now
No fox getting near enough for a taste
In the rain
Sparkling orbs of reflected light
Rain drops on lush green grass
Clucking hens pecking merrily away
Beady eyes endlessly searching
Then darting for that perfect morsel
Around and under and over
an abandoned for now toy car
Brightest of primary hues
Yellow, red and blue,
Little Tykes, a pedal powered car
Like a artists paint palette before us
Those vibrant and clashing hues
Eye popping in the ozone charged air
Nature versus man-made
It’s own tapestry creating
My arms were full of a sweet munchy little boy
…so precious
With no room for camera
…so sad
No candid shots today
Memory snap shots will have to suffice
So too that all surrounding Earthy, clean washed and lingering remembered scent
No “wow” for all the world to exclaim over
A simple still moment
Try it
Savour it
Food for the soul
Savour that moment today because these ever rolling years have wings and stop for none…they run without a pause button
Indeed wings as I found.
This draft was prepared near a year ago and only published now
It was a time of rain
Cherish each day
Embrace the seasons and stages of life
Finding joy and beauty where you may