Always a mother

Always a mother, mother, mothers, dream, dew drops to refresh, children , grandchildren
To all mothers who can’t be with loved ones today
Mothers who once were also young
Who had dreams
Who followed love
Followed it to distant lands
Dreaming of being self-sufficient
Of trying to make do on their own
No support network
Far from family and 6 weeks by AirMail letter
Then another 6 weeks for a reply
Days before everyone had a phone in their home
Days before mobile phones which now can search all over the world
Days before the advent of Skype and email

Always a mother, mother, mothers, dream, dew drops to refresh, children , grandchildren, sustainable farming, simple living, making do

grandchildren, sustainable farming, simple living, making do, motor bike and side car

Mother who raised her dear children and in later years with always a fresh supply of crunchy Anzac biscuit adorned with half an almond in the biscuit jar

Then their children nurturing some of their own families

Remembering you especially today but also everyday.

Memories like scattered dewdrops to refresh anew.

Thank you for your inspiration Laila from Tableofcolours

4 thoughts on “Always a mother

  1. Lovely… Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  2. Thanks so much for those lovely words. Happy Mother’s Day to you and all your readers.

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