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simple living

Days gone by

Days gone by, living in the moment, winter warmers, winter fire, slow combustion fire, glory vine

Living in the moment.The ever changing scenes of a week gone.
A Diary of sorts

31 May being the last day of Autumn.
Remnants of Roses. A fleeting glimpse of Summer gone.

Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, iPhone photography

1 June the first day of Winter.
Braving the cold wind in the garden
Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, how to dress for winter gardening
2 June
Mending day with 60 year old faithful
Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, Bernina Record sewing machine, don't throw out your old sewing machine, sleep old sewing machines serviced,

3 June Saturday
Grey skies so I always go looking for colour in the garden
"Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, Bernina Record sewing machine, don't throw out your old sewing machine, Euphorbia Lipstick, Euphorbia, winter garden colour

4 June. Sunday
Sharing Birthday lunch with family and friends.
Boys…Friends and cousins showing off their trampoline skills
Then hurrying off to fish in the dam over the hill
Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, Bernina Record sewing machine, don't throw out your old sewing machine, Euphorbia Lipstick, Euphorbia, winter garden colour, family days, easy family meals, birthday family days
4 June. Sunday Sharing Birthday lunch with family and friends.  Boys...Friends and cousins showing off their trampoline skills Then hurrying off to fish in the dam over the hill
Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, Bernina Record sewing machine, don't throw out your old sewing machine, Euphorbia Lipstick, Euphorbia, winter garden colour, family days, easy family meals, birthday family days, boys going fishing, gone fishing , country style fishing , dam fishing

Driving home through the always beautiful countryside.
Worrombi and Cobbity- my favourites
Observing the low sun created shadows as it hastes to bed amongst the hills
Days gone past, living in the moment, Driving home through the always beautiful countryside. Worrombi and Cobbity- my favourite Observing the low sun created shadows as it hastes to bed amongst the hills
Driving home through the always beautiful countryside. Worrombi and Cobbity- my favourite Observing the low sun created shadows as it hastes to bed amongst the hills
5 June Monday
Taking deep into the soul brilliant blue skies and warm hued Autumn leaves
Finding sunny nooks amongst Winter shadows for a slow morning tea
Sitting in a warm sunroom before dusk approaches
Seeing a molten gold sun slip silently behind the western hills
Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, Bernina Record sewing machine, don't throw out your old sewing machine, Euphorbia Lipstick, Euphorbia, winter garden colour, family days, easy family meals, birthday family days, boys going fishing, gone fishing , country style fishing , dam fishing , sunset, Autumn in Narellan, Autumn leaves, what to do in Autumn

, share morning tea at home, Days gone by, living the moment, winter roses, last Rose, iPhone diary, winter warmth, winter garden, winter gardening, Bernina Record sewing machine, don't throw out your old sewing machine, Euphorbia Lipstick, Euphorbia, winter garden colour, family days, easy family meals, birthday family days, boys going fishing, gone fishing , country style fishing , dam fishing , sunset, Autumn in Narellan, Autumn leaves, what to do in Autumn, al fresco dining,

6 June Tuesday
A mending, bed linen washing, soup making kind of day.
Starting off clear and windy for line drying but changing to cold and wet. Needing a cheerful fire and happy flowers kind of day recently enjoyed at our friends home.
"Days gone by, living in the moment, winter warmers, Euphorbias

7 June
My beloveds birthday
Wet and cold. Double bar gas heating start to damp morning
Boys in school uniforms to be picked up
Happy birthday to be sung to grandpa….we love our grandchildren. Big and small.
Days gone by, grandchildren

Days gone by, living in the moment

I love these sorts of weeks
The plain, the mundane, the grey, the ordinary mixed with the extraordinary
Find exquisite beauty where you can
However small or humble

Days gone by, living in the moment


Linking up with What Joy is mine

Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth

Message in a Leaf

Leaf, play, sense of adventure, simple living, #considerthelilly, #momentintime On the first day of August Which now seems light years away It being the last month of official Winter in Australia. I was wishfully speeding the approaching Spring on to valiantly burst out of Winter’s very tight coat So, I took a stroll with one of the grandsons A quick walk before the early […] Continue reading →

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, pruning hedges, hedge , Lavender Today the sun does shine beautifully here in Sydney. Contrast to yesterday when the same sun was out but the wind nearly blew one over. Even sitting here in the kitchen I could hear the wind gusts roaring through some tall gum trees at a park over the road. I know in some parts of […] Continue reading →

More than skin deep

More than skin deep, Adventure, Australia, country, first impressions, home made, joy, Memories, More than skin deep, observe a lesson, Observe with a quiet spirit, sense of adventure, simple living, rural living, glass louvres, fly screen, antique wheel rim , antique door hinge, vintage paint, fencing wire, fence posts, old window, rain water tanks, fuel tanks, Hahndorf , new car, old homestead What do you see Your first impression When you compare First fleeting impressions hit the eye immediately. How plain How happy How tall she walks How sad they look How harried they appear How naughty that child Wow, beautiful or handsome Wish I had some of that But that is only an impression Not the […] Continue reading →

Easy Soup for a windy day

Soup for a windy day, beef soup, homemade soup, bargain priced foods, whole food, easy soup, crockpot soup, beef soup bones, bone broth, roux for soup, lavender bush, lavender cutting, grow lavender from cuttings , healthy snacks, healthy soup, thrifty , frugal, pot of soup Far too windy today to do any gardening as can be seen by my grown from a cutting Lavender bush. It is sailing to the left. The plan had been to spray the Roses again for scale to really kill those suckers before all the new leaves appear on my for now Winter hibernating bushes. […] Continue reading →

Swiftly fly the days

Swiftly fly the days, Tags Australian bush,Bellini Intelli, children, cousins, family, grandchildren, joy, Memories, Remember when, sense of adventure, simple living, Skinnymixers recipes, 1950's children Darting Swallows far away to our North. Where spring is underway. Busy, oh so busy, Building or repairing nests For shelter, nurture and home. Such has been life…. Moving into another house. Loving it here. A snip of a Rose here, finding a home for this. Food for a group , or just for one. […] Continue reading →

Finding beauty in the simple life

Finding beauty in the simple life, lavender hedge, find a thing of beauty every day, memories, prepare for retirement It has been so very long since my last post. So long that I cannot remember what I wrote about without checking back. If I do pause to reminisce and check my last article then the internet may drop out. The pause will be like discovering a drawer full of old photos. Memories. Ghosts. Sadness. […] Continue reading →


#Pause, contentment, country, family, first grandchild, garden, joy, memories, pause, hit the pause button, peace, sense of adventure, Pennywise@morgueFile free photos Hitting the Pause button… My kitchen table Bare feet Perfect for sitting and thinking Door open to the back garden Slight breeze from outside Slow whirling fan on the other side How blessed Washing on line showing off its drying flip flying dance I can just sit and ponder At nature, even in a small […] Continue reading →