Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, pruning hedges, hedge , Lavender

Preparing for evening

Today the sun does shine beautifully here in Sydney.
Contrast to yesterday when the same sun was out but the wind nearly blew one over. Even sitting here in the kitchen I could hear the wind gusts roaring through some tall gum trees at a park over the road.

I know in some parts of Australia we are expected to receive some bad weather today with flooding that has already been going on for days with its associated heartache.

Considering the wind yesterday we caught a brief lull and managed a quick game of “Rugby” in the back yard with young grandsons. Let’s tackle grandma was the call to which I replied and acted, let’s TICKLE you!

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, pruning hedges, hedge , Boys play
Lucky that they are still only five and under. There will come a time when it’s time to stand at the sidelines and direct!

The sun with its awakening rays bring weeds and flowers alive together in abundance.

Joy for the soul at the mass of riotous colour from easy to grow Nasturtiums, hardy Calendulas, bright Geraniums and tough Heartsease.

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, cut flowers, potted geraniums, chickens

Raised Garden

Easy to grow but patience required during the long dark days of winter with Roses in hibernation.
Note to self – plant some of the above earlier and and do an extra later planting too. I’ve had to prune some of the nasturtiums back a bit today….no pain no gain

As we have only been in this house for three seasons next year I will know how this garden grows and flowers. I am really hoping the Figaro Dahlias come back again from their corms as they were brilliant last year. I was able to cut them back twice and got Dahlias on Steroids as my daughter called them

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, cut flowers, potted geraniums, chickens, Calendula, Heartsease ,

Calendula and Heartsease

Heartsease thriftily divided , one nice plant into four and then again as they grew
Calendulas price slashed and nursed along from sad straggly seedlings. These are tough. It’s the first time that I have grown these.
Nasturtiums were grown from seeds
Geraniums from cuttings. As they grow I take more cuttings from the “Mother Bush”.
“Big Red” a much appreciated gorgeous potted geranium left behind by the previous owner. Fabulous for colour in the drab of Winter

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, pruning hedges, hedge upkeep,

Hedge Trimmer at work

The warmth brings the hedges out of their slow and dormant growth. Time for a green haircut by my man and his garden toys.

So too does the warmth bring out our little grandsons when visiting. They love to poke, prod, dig, cut and chop in the garden all under the supervision of either myself or grandpa dear.

We did miss them though with their chatter when we attended to some gardening chores last weekend.

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, cut flowers, potted geraniums

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, cut flowers, potted geraniums, chickens

“Chicken Heads”

But a lovely reminder was there for us should we lift our eyes to the front steps next to a flowering pot of red Geraniums.

The easiest of craft activities if little hands become tired of wearing disposable gloves just like Grandma for digging.
Fill them with soil instead and get Grandma to tie a knot. Instant chickens that do not need feeding.

Now the afternoon sun causes the kitchen to glow as it illuminates and makes the yellow Nasturtiums appear translucent in their vase on the window ledge. These are complimented beyond the window by the golden hedge on our boundary and a golden tree in its Spring coat.

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, cut flowers
Did I say that I love Spring!

Hope you all have a good day.
Find something to lift your spirit even if only briefly.
Pause a while.

Spring is in the air, gardening in spring, propagate plants, Adventure, children, Fun in the fresh air, Gardening with children, grandchildren, Memories, raise a child, sense of adventure, figaro dahlia, Nastertiums , geranium, Big Red Geranium, orange blossom, pruning hedges, hedge

Sun soaked Orange Blossom’s sweet perfume


6 thoughts on “Spring is in the Air

  1. The arms of nature on our magnificent planet can open its arms to more than one season. We anticipate fall as you welcome spring. Great!

  2. Your garden looks absolutely beautiful, Alexa! Thanks for posting photos. xxoo

  3. It is lovely to see spring photos when here we are preparing for the dark and cold months.

  4. Those are glorious photos! Spring “down under” looks good in your garden! Thanks for stopping by today; I had to return the visit and so happy I did. Your heartsease is my pansy, the first potted flower I received as a child…nice memory. :)

  5. I love all the colours in your garden Alexa! Everything is looking so bright and happy now that spring is here.


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