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vitamin C

Alberta Rose

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine,

How beautiful I thought….browsing some blogs recently I Stumbled upon an old world style drawing or painting of a Rose which made my heart sing.
Can you imagine its scent…I can!

A visiting reader to the above made this comment…

“this wild roses image is the Alberta Rose. It was adopted by the province of Alberta as their flower emblem in 1930 and is still today. They start blooming in May and will bloom till August and have a wonderful soft scent ..

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine,
This particular native Rose is quite interesting as the Rose hips were used by the natives in their natural remedies

Can’t you just imagine this rambling old style Rose growing freely, tangled in the hedge rows and undergrowth.
In meadows, fields, mountains and forests.

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine, Pixabay free photos, rose bush with rose hips
A Google search for information about the Alberta Rose funnily enough led me to comments and photos left on Tripadvisor by travellers to the Canadian Provinces


Then I thought a bit deeper and remembered.

The Rose if left untended produce seed pods called Rose Hips.

From there my thoughts went wild in many tangents…and this was going to be a brief post just about a beautiful drawing!

Rose hips are full of Vitamin C being prized by Herbalists and Naturalists.

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine, Pixabay free photos, rose bush with rose hips
A quote from Chemist warehouse catalogue online

“RoseHip is known to be one of nature’s richest sources of
vitamin C and has been used for countless generations in
European herbal medicine for the relief of joint pain arthritis and rheumatism…”

Rose hip is infused in oil too as a very expensive under eye ointment which I recall from many years ago.

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine, Pixabay free photos, rose bush with rose hips
I would not be surprised if doTERRA oils uses it too in its specialized pure blends.

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine, Pixabay free photos, rose bush with rose hips , old pear tree and Rose hips

Alberta Rose , native flower of Alberta, vitamin C, vitamin haltig, rose hip , herbalist, natural Winter remedies, doTERRA , natural oils, alternative medicine, Pixabay free photos, rose bush with rose hips , old pear tree and Rose hips, pure oils, doTERRA

Thereby hangs the tale of the Alberta Rose
found at The Graphics Fairy Clip Art

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