…the first step, a work in progress
…FORGET ME NOTS…the sweet forget me not flower invokes in me images of an by- gone era. Life that was simple. A slower pace and not the craziness of today.
These tiny flowers ranging in colour from exquisite blue to almost white can be found in a corner of an old cool garden. Maybe tucked under some shading bushes or surrounding an ancient water tank where they suck at available moisture. Their root systems go so very deep. Fine but long wiry roots which search and find that life giving sustaining water. Once established in the right environment garden they will continue to appear each season, hence the name. A nostalgic sight. Fragile looking but tough underneath.
Such is life too , is it not. If we want to embark on a new venture we’ll have to search and research all about it.
So easy to find out for example ” How to prepare a sustainable garden”. Most people have “Mr” Google at their fingertips…and there it is. One of my favourites and first finds is written by Rhonda Hetzel at http://down—to—earth.blogspot.com.au/ the Down ~To ~ Earth Blog which I’ve followed for many years….
…even so there is a vast array of information sites for us to sift through to find the best methods for our particular garden. Then there are more choices again for us to make. Large or small garden…low maintenance …what is our climate …position of sun and trees ; and so the list goes on. But we’ve learnt something. So adding on piece by piece our knowledge and quest grows and sometimes from unexpected sources. By word of mouth in a conversation shared .
Amazingly all these thoughts were inspired by my search for a blog/ web page header picture … ( this first post written on my flight to Perth in March – it’s been a long a while in the actual making of this blog. More on that on a later stage )
Just one little photo of a beautiful Forget me not seen in passing….the power of an image retained in the memory….and my mother’s love of the garden….
…do you have special memories ?

Courtesy of Proven Winners…Botanical name Myosotis sylvatica
How exciting – your first blog, Mum! Looking forward to future blog posts
Thank you . It IS exciting. I still have a lot to learn about this new blog of mine and how it all works. X
Well done, Alexa! Will definitely subscribe and look forward to the next ‘post’! x
I’m learning a lot in doing this blog. Lots of getting stumped though as I find my way through all the settings. I had a clever lady set it up as a base for me though. Scroll to bottom right hand corner of blog…Deby was the lady’s name x