Starry night in the country

Starry night in the country, stars, night sky, country driving, night driving, fuel economy, earth in space

By pippalou @morgueFile free photos. With thanks

Starry night in the country…and travelling in a fuel efficient car…..we took the small car!…Do you think before you travel?

Last night we had to do an unexpected trip down from Sydney to past Goulbourn and back again. We left after work driving into the evening sun and me being the first driver wished that I had my sunglasses for the glare.

We stopped briefly for a dinner of sorts and continued on with my husband now driving. It gave me the chance for a while till dusk, to look at the passing scene. The further we got from Sydney the less dense became the traffic…except for the trucks!

As darkness fell and the city lights faded I marvelled again at the beauty of the heavens through my side window. The brightness of the swathes of stars visible was wonderful. It took my mind far away from the smallness of man. We indeed are puny when set against the vastness of nature.

Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens.
Stars, the jewel of the night.
Ice cold twinkling stars of all sizes to light the traveller’s path with a crescent moon on its way down the heavens.

So completed a very brief visit to ageing friend in hospital and a return home before midnight.

Starry night in the country, stars, night sky, country driving, night driving, fuel economy, food bowl, food for the nation, organic food, Australia

By Irish_Eyes@morgueFile free photos. With thanks

We drove through a land which provides food for the many but a region also at times in drought…..Australia, a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains. Of contrasts. A land I would love to explore more one day. A blessed land.

I try to be thankful for what we have each day. It so puts things into perspective doesn’t it.

My night-time routine, or ritual, in the dim light is to pause on the landing and gaze out at the dark skies. It is an unconscious act. A calming act and I guess part of the winding down process for the day. Looking out at the shadows of trees near and far, the vast heavens, homes at rest and the always different dark skies. Recent skies were clear with some large twinkling, shivering and almost trembling stars.

I leave the stars and heaven’s dark orb beyond this small upstairs window to find the last light in another room.

A day is at rest. Peace and calm restored..for the most part.

Imagine the night-time view out of these windows looking over the Linden trees in Germany where my mother lived as a teenager. Those vast heavens in every direction.

Starry night in the country, stars, night sky, country driving, night driving, fuel economy, food bowl, food for the nation, organic food, Australia , Autumn makes for memories, childhood memories, Germany

Heppenheim an der Bergstrasse, Germany

And so ends another day….How do you find that moment of calm?

Till next time then.

4 thoughts on “Starry night in the country

  1. I love the moment of peace and quiet after the children are asleep and I could not imagine rushing to sleep. Rather I need to soak in the moment as a preparation for busy tomorrow that is to come.

  2. Thank you Laila, for visiting. Your way of ending the day is described lovingly. To start the new day preparation process before we sleep… On a side note I’d just been reading an expat Americans blog about living in Norway and their unusual duvet quilt sizing by our standards. It was quite funny her quest to buy the right size. So I was up in your hemisphere for a while. Take care and hope you can come and visit again. When I look at your birthday photos again it so takes me back to my childhood. Thank you x

  3. One of my favourite times of the day is when I put out the rubbish before I go to bed; it’s a chance to look at the evening sky and check the stars. If it’s not too cold, I will linger in the night air. What a beautiful home in Germany.

    • Thank you for visiting my blog….your blog has some lovely bloggy links. Thank you.
      Yes that home is beautiful although that picture was taken by my father in 1950 just before they finally migrated to Australia. I’d wonder if it is still there….may be best just to remember this photo though

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