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Declutter, down size, decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house,

Releasing the old to make way for new

…to renew
…to refresh

Declutter is a word for this modern word. Why?

We have so much
We are so busy,
We are too busy to deal with it
We want more, always more
Never satisfied with the today
We want tomorrow and more tomorrow
Instead of happy with what today brings
Instead of SEEING what today brings
…we create a vicious circle and a burden

Declutter, decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house, tidy garden, prepare garden, sweep paths, bird , feather

We clutter our minds
Society clutters our minds
Our thoughts
Our children’s thoughts
Instead of slowing down and actually taking a moment to observe
Instead of doing, sit awhile

Declutter, decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house, tidy garden, prepare garden, reflection, meditate, garden seat, wooden garden chair

What have I
So so much
So much collected over time that it clutters the mind

What to do
What to do

Start one step at a time
A tiny sort out here…lots of memories!
Another clutter here
…not finished today, must continue tomorrow
Else my brain has another fit – of sorted clutter unfinished
Cull photos on my iPad
…there are so many to sort!
…and so to carry on.

But wasps…that was an unexpected sight…They definitely are going tonight when dark. Horrible things. I’m glad we didn’t bump into them when mowing the grass on Saturday!!!!

Declutter, decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house, wasp nest, remove wasps

Declutter, earthen ware pots, container garden , decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house,

Declutter, decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house, tidy garden, prepare garden, reflection, meditate, garden setting, rustic lamp, sea shells

These thoughts came about because I have so many ideas racing round my mind today….
This would be a fabulous idea to write about to continue on from my last blog post…
But so would this on herbs. ….and round and round they go.

Off on a tangent there…
Outside to take some photos of this …
This would be so cool
And look at those leaves…a different slant on this idea.

Puff puff….STOP! Sit down and write.

Do you find your mind so racing at times.

Rest awhile with me and reflect.
Pause and wonder.

Declutter, decluttering home, declutter mind, sort , minimise, prepare garden, Autumn garden,clean house, tidy garden, prepare garden, reflection, meditate, garden setting, rustic , blue feather, bird's feather

Photographs and article belong to Alexa-asimplelife