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#simple thoughts

#simplethoughts, #simple thoughts, children, circle of friends, family, grandchildren, joy, memories, motivation, motivational, simple living,

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Thoughts from this day
Yesterday the shortest day for us Down Under
Today a grey and dismal dawning
Yet…Later graced by sun to warm and skies of blue

Hearing of dear old friend passing
Yet…Remembering about his many deeds and kindnesses
Realizing that the years roll on for all, young and old alike
One moment we are young and rushing yet in a flash we are old

#simplethoughts, #simple thoughts, children, circle of friends, family, grandchildren, joy, memories, motivation, motivational, simple living, memories of youth, healthy play, scooter riding,

Courtesy click@ morgueFile free photos

A motivational quote I read this week…

“The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to respond…”

Then at Worship being reminded to bear one another. Be kind, be useful, sympathetic, to listen and be patient. These too being the building blocks of family life.

Then being cheered by memories of little children, their laughter, their chatter and exuberance of a life . Their innate inquisitiveness….being brave when a jumpy cricket appears dead…touching it …but it gave a little hop…startled little chappy then bounding in one leap with both feet into my lap and us just about ending in a pile on the floor in laughter. Acrobatic little boy on scooter showing how it’s done with ease.

Run with me, read me a story, stand THERE and throw the Frisbee, kick the ball, watch me, see me, catch me, hello, I’m here, you’re back! Can I come in YOUR car, I want MY bed, where’s MY pillow, I can do it!

Family is precious. Embrace them and keep them close….