The every day around us

The every day around us

Many thanks to leele at morgueFile free photo

What did you not see as you rushed about your day today?

What DO we see in the everyday as we go about our routine.
Another day?

As we go about our chores.

We make a meal and make the bed.
Sort out another bed.
Take some garbage out through the gate.
Walk back in another gate.
Lock the gate.
Inside for a cup of tea…
…before we tackle the pile of laundry.
Up the steps to hang the washing …
…and brush past the garden.
Inside again to check a book…

So many beautiful sights we don`t even notice.
Yet we could!

Taken as photos and put together they create a gorgeous virtual tapestry of colour, shape and texture. Of memories and of ideas. That if we paused and reflected on would make us be thankful for all. For God, for beauty in all, for simplicity, for friends and for family.

Won’t you come with me and follow this little everyday path way that I took recently…. Part 1

The every day around us

Colours cool

The every day around us

Colours fresh

The every day around us

Colour accent

The every day around us

Colours contrast

The every day around us

Colours bold

The every day around us

Colours corner

The every day around us

…another corner

So from in this little corner of my tapestry I leave you for a short while to find your own jewels. Share them with us if you like.

I’ll return with some more stitches for this tapestry in Part 2. Till then, see the unexpected in the ordinary.

By Alexa

2 thoughts on “The every day around us

  1. Great quote …” See the unexpected in the ordinary ”

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