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#when …
A single word so full

Many a dream,
Of hope and maybe

Full of memories
Sad and good,
Joy and reflection

Is it a noun or verb or I know not what?

A word full of Life’s lessons past or future
Full of the maybe, what if, I’m not sure,
or shall we

Is it wise or is it not

To me #when was an immediate flash back to childhood times.
Three blond little girls in a family

When, that single word.
A brief glimpse back
Deja vu

Happiness and joy of children playing in the countryside…without any technology and gadgets
Just fresh air Remember when

Five minute Friday

7 thoughts on “#when

  1. Ah, those were the days, weren’t they? Childhood–running free all over the place with no phones or walkie talkies or anything but sunshine and freedom. It’s sad that my kids couldn’t enjoy life that way because it just didn’t seem safe to let them roam all over.

    • Thanks for coming by Anita and leaving a comment. I’m rather long in replying. Your long winter has turned to spring whereas ours is turning to the preparing nature for cold seasons. Today we are blessed with blue skies and sunshine, the sort that little children can run round with abandon…..I’m freeeee

  2. Love the beauty of your words and your photo. I was touched by the image of your three blonde girls and the word “deja vu”. Blessed you shared and stopped by my place too. Blessings!

    • Thanks for coming by Mary. Have a wonderful day…sharing my blue skies , sunshine and a little coolness with you. Time to go out and look at my Lavender hedge!

  3. Beautiful words. Thank you. I especially appreciate “Happiness and joy of children playing in the countryside…without any technology and gadgets.” How precious are those memories. I miss those days when I think back to them. They were special. So many growing up in today’s world will never experience those “playing in the countryside” times. Thankful I followed you at FMF. Bless you!

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