Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey, travel, passage, morgueFile, life has many steps, observe a lesson from this photo, look to see, open your eyes on life's journey, coping with life, sea shells tumbled in the ocean, turbulent ocean, be thankful

Courtesy GaborfromHungary@morgueFile free photos

There is a saying ..Life is a journey.

With many a detour, hold ups, unpredictableness, joys, throw your hands up in the air situations along the way. Each one is a step.

Remembering those maybe tantrum hard days with children and then at day’s end as they lie sleeping peacefully in their beds you take a deep breath of thanks again.

Briefly reinvigorated for many tomorrows
One step and again another.

I wonder how many steps on this our path
A journey, our life
Never heading in a straight line.

Look closely at the photo on the top of this post. The photographer captured a brilliant moment!

Almost a choose your own adventure. So many stories. Along the board walk at a brisk walk or over the quaint bridge at a leisurely stroll. Maybe even a pause in the cool grass on the other side. Serenely meandering in the sailing boat down the canal but only going in one direction because the bridge is in the way. Or pick a speed boat out of the various sizes and styles to zip along the canal in either direction. Yet all starting off from the same place! An analogy of Life.

So this is our life’s journey. It can be boring or we can really observe what’s happening around us, partake or participate in the good things of life. Bear gracefully when burdens overload us.

That being said it is the small happenings which if we appreciate are as a gift. A priceless gift bestowing joy or a memory to be savoured.

Then again, have you ever seen the silvery trail of a snail in the morning after rain? It goes everywhere yet there is no snail to be seen.

Life is a Journey, travel, passage, morgueFile free photos, life has many steps, observe a lesson from this photo, look to see, open your eyes on life's journey, coping with life, sea shells tumbled in the ocean, turbulent ocean, be thankful, finding support on life's journey, help in a lonely place, God is our help, lonely shell among the stony place, shelter from the storm, Gannet Beach, morning walk

Morning walk on Gannet Beach , N.S.W. Australia

Or a collection of sea shells and pebbles washed from who knows where deep in the ocean. Swirled from here to there. Tumbled around and deposited with that tide, to be moved on again by the next.

Life is a Journey, travel, passage, morgueFile, life has many steps, observe a lesson from this photo, look to see, open your eyes on life's journey, coping with life, sea shells tumbled in the ocean, turbulent ocean, be thankful, finding support on life's journey, help in a lonely place, God is our help, lonely shell among the stony place, shelter from the storm

Courtesy spiroll@morgueFile free photos

Tumbled through life’s happenings and dramas yet many times unknowingly picked up and helped along the way. Our support network….may we remember to pay it forward.

That is our journey.

Joining in with Essentially Jess for IBOT
Modest Mom

15 thoughts on “Life is a Journey

  1. You are so right – our perspective is everything! This is a lovely reminder – thank you.

  2. And a wonderous journey it is Alexa. Mx

  3. So lovely, I think that as long as we follow our curiousity and find humility in our belssings – even on our darkest of days – the journey will always fulfill us. Josefa #teamIBOT

    • Thank you Josefa for your comments and yes the journey will always fulfill us even though we may not realise it at that moment. Apologies for not replying sooner…life has been busy. Thank you for visiting and hoping your inspiring journey continues well for you. x

  4. Such a beautiful photo and post. I do love my support network and I am going to pay it forward.

  5. Thanks for finding my grandparent post on Not Quite Amish. Love the theme of your blog and of this post. Blessings from the other side of the beautiful world.

  6. I love that photo of the canal. I always wonder where the snails are in the morning when I see their trails. I hadn’t thought about ‘their journey.’
    Lovely post. xx

  7. We did lots of beach walking and shell collecting when we were in NZ, at the bottom half of it! Today I posted photos of a fur seal that I nearly sat on at the beach. Precious memories everywhere we look x

  8. Love this post…you’re a talented writer!

  9. This is such a beautifully written story, and it seems we have similar thoughts and ideas! My journey has had a lot of ups and downs and right now is in the turmoil of change – retirement, moving, starting anew. Who knows where I will be when my journey is done and I finally go home. Thanks for lending me a piece of your thoughts!