This is a Post-it note
Diary to myself
To remember
Waiting patiently for a new outfit
Having been so very patient
Hoping to be smartened up
Once so bright and fresh…
A garden bed
Waiting a year?
Old drainage removed from two sides of garden
Thanks Liam and friend for wielding the pick
Now there is a growing pile of cement
Hedging for one side purchased at short notice on a very hot day
Brought home squashed into two cars
Then a family day of visitors
Hard slog of hedge planting wielding pick and spade in the summer heat started by Rachel whilst extended family visits
Little boys playing happily
Exploring the garage thinking no one is watching
Pulling out everything they think can be played with…for two minutes
Must not forget the ice blocks and ice creams savoured that night outside in the cool of the evening.
Watching the free and hilarious antics of the little ones sitting in their little chairs on the grass. Listening to their chatter. Ice block juice dripping and running down bare little arms…no problem….just splash the arms in the paddling pool close by.
Hedging continued by brother-in-law Derek another morning
I must remember to buy an axe to remove chunky old tree root where one hedging plant needs to go
Plants and ground slowly deep watered by soaker hose again
Thank you Rachel for sanding the bathroom door as it rested on a saw horse. A new experience for you with a power orbital sander with instructions by your hubby dear
Bathroom door has two coats of paint…hip hooray…it only took a year
Thanks Steve for your help
Side gates nearly all painted. One more coat on the bigger gate and meter box and it’s all done
Straggling uneven plants removed on driveway boundary side
…now all streamlined
Getting there
Now the endless job list seems do-able because we can see results
A goal in sight
One step at a time
Thanks to the team effort of young and older
A lesson to remember for our Life’s journey.
Side by side.
Full of vibrant energy
Or the remembered strength of youth
Love you Husband dear for working beside me
And love the brilliant sunshine of the young
In the heat or in the rain
Hand in hand
Moulded by the hand of the potter
Lovely post!
Thanks Amy for visiting and commenting. Coming right back to visit you.
Are you available to come around and do all the jobs that I have been putting off around here? Seriously, it can be hard to start but so rewarding when you finish. Lovely post – glad you were able to get them done together, side by side.
Kirsty thanks for coming by. Sorry. I can’t help you out
. There is still too much to do here
Oh Bless Alexa, what a sweet post and a reminder to be thankful for those who we often take for granted x